Monday, March 23, 2009

President of NOW-NYS and NYS Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington Blog Talk Radio (Monday) night. March 23rd, 2009


Listen to Marcia Pappas, President of NOW-NYS and NYS Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington on Blog Talk Radio (Monday) night. Listen and call in! Be a part of the solution to stop violence against women.

stop violence against women

Monday Night 10 pm EST (tomorrow night)
NYS Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington
Marcia Pappas President NOW-NYS

Topic: New legislation proposed by Assemblywoman Eddington

(see her statement below)
"Free Us Now Radio Show" Monday. Special Time. Special Guests
"No radio needed Our show is online If your computer is down no problem call on the phone 347 -838-8011 and hear the entire show right on the phone- Please come hear how you can get your legislator to get to work on this in your state too! We can help with this NOW Monday 10 PM eastern/ Bring your questions. Call-in 347-838-8011 You can also login- to the live chat and ask questions online without using a phone line. Please be part of the solution. and view the videos I have posted on my blog for you.
Event: Free Us Now Radio Show
What: Live Call-In Talk Show
Host: BettyJean Kling
Start Time: Monday, March 23 at 10:00pm
End Time: Monday, March 23 at 11:00pm

According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence "One in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. An estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year. The majority (73%) of family violence victims are female. Females are 84% of spousal abuse victims and 86% of abuse victims at the hands of a boyfriend."
NYS Assembly member Patricia Eddington states, "We believe that these vicious, violent crimes against women, including rape, murder and the recent beheading of a woman in Buffalo, are because they are women. Therefore, I am introducing a bill that will require authorities to first apply the standard of "hate crime" to offenses committed by men against women before seeking lesser charges under the penal code."
Pappas further states, "All too often judges and police enforcement shrug their shoulders and look the other way. These cases should be regarded as "hate crimes," with no talk of "he only did it once, or it's a crime of passion." Such excuses are not acceptable. And since men are taught from day one that women do not deserve respect, this deliberately-cultivated mindset actually constitutes premeditation."
In a 1998 article titled "Rethinking Violence Against Women as Hate Crime" by Ann Noel she states "Domestic violence is often viewed as an individual dispute between a man and a woman, or the pathological problem of a particular man. Yet domestic violence reveals deep historical, cultural and legal roots to subordinate women. Men who assault their wives are living up to cherished Western cultural prescriptions -- aggressiveness, male dominance, and female subordination and they are using physical force as a means to enforce that dominance. Taking these crimes out of the realm of the individual and into the collective realm requires looking at how our society sanctions men's control of women"
We think this applies to all violence against women.


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