Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Kansas Open Reports Law has been defeated in the House and is now going on to the Senate.

From: Kathy Winters [mailto:kathywinters05@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 2:54 PM
To: friends@foxnews.com; oreilly@foxnews.com; julia@senatorjulialynn.com; jmorriso@ink.org; jus4smk@aol.com; siegfreid@comcast.net; mp_mastel@hotmail.com; mchlspry426685@yahoo.com; AngelFury@angelfury.org; Annette Jones; Mel; Marlene Jones; bill mckean; donna@achildsrights.com; Susan Gayle; iamdonporter@gmail.com; thefarm2925@yahoo.com; gregory_rose@att.net; rsokol@afiks.com; b_haz@yahoo.com; Barclay.Mead@ITSTopeka.com; barrettsimpson@sbcglobal.net; belinday711@yahoo.com; berrymn@cox.net; Brian Hill; cardlady_43@hotmail.com; carpenter.house@yahoo.com; cendrearoden@yahoo.com; carlene

I was informed today that Kansas Open Reports Law has been defeated in the House and is now going on to the Senate.  This is a much needed law which would allow open court records so that families can has as much information regarding their cases with SRS as the DA's Office, CASA, SRS and their contractors do.   We need to get this law passed in order to fight against the oppression of SRS and their contractors and the corrupt court system who are breaking the law by taking our children unlawfully, by not following the letter of the law of Kansas. 

EVERYONE!!   Please contact ALL the senators in the state of Kansas and inform them that you want the Kansas Open Reports Law passed. 

The reason we can't effectively fight for our kids back is because of the "veil of secrecy" which protects the SRS and their contractors to do the ILLEGAL acts upon our children without any accountability or repercussions.  How can we ever effectively fight back against these "Nazi pigs" if we don't know what they are saying about us.  Isn't it our Constitutional Rights to confront our accusers.  How can we do this if we don't know what they are saying about us.  It's like fight with blind folders on. 

SRS and their contractors and the court system is afraid for us to have open records on our children because we can prove the unlawful acts they are committing on our children and their civil rights.

ACT NOW, please !   contact not just your senator but all the senators for the state of Kansas.  I will try and get their e-mail and phone numbers for you as soon as I can.  Both e-mail and call the senators.   So they get the message!!!

Stay strong, God is on our side


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