Friday, April 9, 2010

Odyssey Topeka Kansas Court Whores Profit by Reintegrating Pedophiles back into the home and refusal to Protect ‘abused’ children and their battered mothers.

Happy New Year Topeka Kansas Courts and whores of the Court- as you all sit around ‘cheering’ each other- while the blood of innocents continue to spill- your crimes against humanity will NOT go un-noted.

As you see from the letter below- Odyssey-(as represented to myself- and my daughter- and the Courts) and where I made payments for my Supervised Visits (all 3 of them this past year…)

What is a court whore?

“ Those who assist and or collude with others for self-profit or agenda in denying basic HUMAN Rights and access to Justice through NON-Scientific philosophy – just some ones- opinion not a professional but a idea.” Court Appointed Child Abusers.

Odyssey is a Whore of the Court by all definition.  The clear intent of SERVING the PEDOPHILE is more than clear-(oh btw we force the victims of the pedo crimes to participate in- as well you know we will RE-Integrate the pedo back into the home- and call it SAPA.

Therapeutic Jurisprudence must be and will be eliminated from our Court rooms.Whores of the Court Whores of the Court ISBN #0060391979 ReganBooks.

Download the entire book in fully-searchable. PDF format right now: ... -

This is my open reply to you Julie- Dittmer. and Odyssey-on expose list (three down)

1. M. Jill Dykes 2. Judge David Debenham 3. Odyssey (Kara Haney, Drex Flott and by her own choosing Julie Dameron- Dittmer)

Again, You are mandated reporters, again you care nothing about the children ONLY the blood money from the perps,  the grant money of the taxpayer to give Sexual Pedophile (and your secure jobs for those who make up ‘treatment’ for)REINTEGRATION into the homes-

But lets continue to batter the mother and child and protect the ‘batterer’ once again- it only stands to reason does it not..?

Protect the pedophile- protect the batterer. Keep the funding rolling in.

Following Julie Dittmer’s idiotic letter below please note the following indexed recording the day after my mother died- when Drex Flott, Kara Haney and myself talked about my daughter going to her grandmothers funeral- and the clear and present ‘danger’ that my daughter is in- as the extreme ‘control’ that her father has over her- and as long as ‘perp’ has control- my daughter should… remain somewhat safe…. listen for your self.

Then listen to the hearing…that denied a child to go to her granny’s funeral- (but they let her dog)

Now, why would I, be anything but upset? go figure <scratching head>

also, by the way;

Dear Julie, thanks for your ‘prompt’ reply. (two months later) I Googled TREC –sigh-

I also hyperlinked your letter- I have made only two comments to your letter at end of letter

From: Julie Dittmer

Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2009 3:35 PM


Subject: Re: -- SPAM -- FW: Odyssey, Torture and Rikki

Claudine, this is Julie Dittmer. I no longer run the Supervised Visit program at Odyssey; in fact, that program is no longer an Odyssey program at all. (THE PROGRAM IS A NOT FOR PROFIT ONE, AND IT'S NAME IS TREC NOW. ) I left that position to have some surgery this past summer, and have had nothing to do with your case since long before that. It would be inappropriate of me to participate in any contact regarding the current status of your case or your daughter, but you and I both know that I have never been anything but nice to you both. I cannot imagine why you would see fit to wage a personal vendetta against me using the Internet, (and to include my Odyssey brochure, with links to my name) when I did nothing more or less than my job and I got you visits with your daughter, which no one else would do for you at that time. I am sorry if your visits have not gotten you what you wanted or where you wanted to be right now, but we both know that your anger at me and at Odyssey is misplaced. I passed along your past comments and messages to TREC as you asked when you sent the message below. This all I can do at this point, and am no longer involved.

I have seen the Internet links and your reproduction of my brochure, associated with words like whore and pedophile. I would like to continue to be nice to you, but your actions have now forced me to issue you a warning: If you do not remove everything that includes my name, the name of the Odyssey Group, and the reproduction of our copyrighted material from your postings, (including those under your Angelfurypsuedonym), I will be forced to take legal action against you personally and against any organization you represent. I have consulted an attorney and am clear that this constitutes slander and is illegal, (Its’ not Slander when it it’s the truth) as well as just plain wrong. Please let me know immediately that you have removed these postings (and that you will post nothing further involving me within five calendar days) or I will proceed with a lawsuit.

(Knock yourself out- I am used to injustice and threats and actions to silence the truth, I have only the truth and it need no public support- the truth still stands.) cmd



----- Original Message -----



Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:20 PM

Subject: -- SPAM -- FW: Odyssey, Torture and Rikki

I trust you will forward on, perhaps it is you to whom I need to address this with any ways?

Please advise and Thank you!


From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 5:26 PM
Subject: Odyssey, Torture and Rikki
Importance: High


  I will simply add to this that I have the video and audio recordings of ‘our’ visit; yourself, Kara and I already on line (but private atm) when my mother died one year ago yesterday. If you recall both you and Kara stated your more than obvious concerns about the ‘control’ issues surrounding Rikki, the girlfriend Julie and her father. You both also voiced your concerns for Rikki’s safety and that as long as dad had ‘control’ she ‘should’ be somewhat safe.

  I need not remind you that you are mandated reporters. But, my goal is to see my daughter pure and simple. I have not seen her since before the last hearing. We have hearing to end this all Nov. 13th, 2009. I would very much appreciate any positive efforts made in getting a few visits in with Rikki, in whatever way you can before the hearing.

Drex, it takes only one to make a difference. I am asking on behalf of Rikki, I and Rikki’s dead grandmother; to whom she never was able to say good bye too.

Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated and any intervention to assist Rikki and I.

Claudine Dombrowski


Domestic violence is on the rise in Shawnee County |

An Interview with DA Chad Taylor and Survivor Claudine Dombrowski

From: []
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Odyssey, Torture and Rikki
Importance: High

I talked with Rikki last night, she is devastated and misses her mom, she is being told the most outlandish things like I have abandoned her, do not love her, and the latest, that Kara said to her that Rikki will not be able to see me again, as I do not have the money to PAY Odyssey. (I have NOT been informed by Kara or any other that this was the case)

This is beyond insane. I did the best I could with her during our extended phone call, that in the beginning she was reluctant as of the lies that have been and are continuing to be told to her, but after an hour of her breaking down- literally, crying her heart out, she is left just hurting and needing very much closure on thisCONTROL that dad has over OUR parenting time. And a chance to being to heal.

Also please be aware that she is being told to say the same things to the court, only her knowledge and what she is ordered to tell. She trusts NO ONE. She is scared and aches for her mom and her grandma. I am still here however.


Although I do not have two dimes to rub together at the moment- I am in a clean safe 2 bedroom apartment. Rikki knows where, She has always known where I am at (even if car only) this is done as well through the Safe at Home, Address Confidential Program through the Secretary of State.

When Hoffman and the GAL from hell demand address – as with all enrolled with children ONLY the attorney General has access to knowledge of residence.

That is all that is needed in the lifting of the Supervised visits (which NEVER should have been imposed to begin with). The Leadership Council Just released: Domestic Violence by Proxy. I have never been shown to be a flight risk any more than a danger to my almost age 15 year old daughter.

This little girl (my only daughter) is in tremendous amounts of pain, unbearable and healing from what this system has done to her by so viciously taking her mother away is imperative to her ever being able to recover.

See the KS AG’s web site for Silverman, Jaffe and Bancroft research showing that children’s relationship with their mother is VITAL to their own self recovery. (I helped get this info into the State by THIS case alone)

Tuck, please make this end for my daughter’s sake- please. Having her mother dead or homeless or in ‘CONTROL” via SV is NOT going to help her. Rikki and I discussed this, and although she is being told to say she wants it- she does not. She wants her mom. Needs her mom.

Please respond when you can I am sure that you already have it worked out and that I as well as Rikki, just need to be patient a little while longer, Nov. 13th. For Justice to begin its slow turn, bear in mind however that both of us are suffering as a result of the wait so please do not allow any continuations, or deviations from the hearing.

Please, I implore you, and graciously thank you for all your help, as does Rikki. We are both beyond exhausted.


Claudine Dombrowski


* PBS Documentary: Breaking the Silence; Children’s Stories

* Family Law Documentary: Crisis in America’s Family Courts; Our Children at Risk

Leadership Council recommends For further information:

10-29-2008 1h 50m


8:5010:28 begins

13:2914:13 Kira petition what do you want and the court hearing set

16:07 -what is our involvement

17:00- contact with rikki

17:50- lacey [the dog]

18:43- motion 4 hearing asking for normalcy in visits

20:19 -about the motion being filed rikki not on the kid more convenient for dad?

21:45 -dependent upon her peers give her money

22.35- $20.00 to e

22.53 -denied braces no phone-denied contact with her phone

23.55 -it is not up to rikki

25.00 -dad broke my mouth but don’t place psych eval.

26:12- power struggle with courts (I acted out)

27:00 -we deserve this trip together

29:00- I drove twice week I worked at LSH

30:10- rikki –‘granny won’t let dad hurt mom’

30:00 -(15 years)

32:00 KsJudicialperformance act (liz samora

33.00 drex more than we know.

34.00 try loosing a child to an abuser I thought- I had the right to be safe

36:00 my mom my pain not going to let that happen to my daughter.

BMCC two years’ courageous kids

38:00 not a part of my life


41:00- how come dad don’t love me (rikki)

43:00- rikki is awesome drex says ‘I am in her’ ag 's office- rikki early years 4 or 5 years old

46:50 - when they took my daughter they took my soul

47:00- letter from hospital

48:50 -contact with GAL braces Aug 6th en re braces

51:58 Rikki says ‘dad is in charge (dont write this down)

53:33- kira a couple of issues 1. Funeral 2. Unsupervised

1:15:30 does rikki want to go en re the court

1:17:15 rikkis voice well rikki says

1:19:50 Kira- ‘rikki does have a very controlled home a lot of external Control

1:21:50 for rikkis safety- choose to disengage as I am not safe for her- this is how are lives are-

1:23:25- admissions of abuse

1:26:40 -how rikki survives- Julie- takes a lot for rikki

1:28:28 Julie is in fear too -rikki is the best judge

1:30:00 visits are very empowering very balanced positive strength based

1:33:20 sv is not there gives us freedom rikki and I freedom? to monitor at discretion we don’t need help to nurture our relationship states kira

1:37:23 visits don’t cut my visits drex reintegration reunification

1:38:36 visits went back because julie and rikki to cancel the visit so they just set them back temporary football season-Rikki in a double binder-

1:41:13 - kira -rikki struggled with telling mom no more weekends. drex- I cry a lot- national zone

1:48:40 end