Wednesday, July 20, 2011

HHS Inspector General to State of KS: "Kansas Advocacy and Protective Services’ (KAPS) has charged Federal grants $491,936

(hat tip to a ‘friend’ for this)

HHS Inspector General to State of KS: "Kansas Advocacy and Protective Services’ (KAPS) has charged Federal grants $491,936 (APPENDIX B) for payments made to, or on behalf of members of KAPS board of directors for consulting and legal fees and health insurance premiums. Governing Federal cost principles (OMB Circular A-122) do not allow these types of payments to officers or employees of grantee organizations."​/region7/70302008.pdf

We recommended the amount be refunded to the applicable Federal programs. The law firm that responded to the draft report for KAPS indicated it could not respond to the validity of the facts and reasonableness of the recommendations because of the lack of records. They further indicated that “KAPS will cooperate fully with the Federal agencies involved in order to bring resolution to this matter."

My favorite part of the report is that when prosecuted by the feds for fraud, the nonprofit which receives $$$ to represent [RIG] indigent litigants in cases, and who filled out the grant applications and agreed to the terms, hired a law firm to represent the nonprofit who was entirely ignorant of the laws governing the case. The board of directors should be in jail, which is what would happen to us if we committed fraud and embezzlement against the federal govt. Instead, these people will reorganize under a new name and keep the scam going...I bet if we looked them up this would be the case.