Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kansas chooses LIFESKILLS-For Domestic Violence Programs (a BATTERER created program) & Heads up The Batterer Programs through out the State. KS Juvenile Justice paid $10Mil / 2 year Grants to have a ‘Batterer’ do batterer intervention.


This is so sad. The link to the Original Article follows:  It is POSSIBLE that the spike in DV is related to groups like these...

Life Skills They got two $10Mil/2 yr grants in  2007 & in 2009 from Kansas Juvenile Justice

Domestic violence spikes in '09 'Hurting people hurt people'; economic stress likely fueling fire of increased attacks

By Tim Carpenter

Excerpt: "Hurting people hurt people," said Vera Johnson, who operates the New Start Family Life Skills facility in Saline County. "They're not all monsters. They are people who don't know how to cope."

Ok then,

We all KNOW that Batterers KNOW how to Control their Anger—I mean they don't beat up the Judge, mail man, co workers friends or Boss – Do they?? No they control their anger quite well--- they ONLY BEAT UP THEIR WIVES THEIR CHILDREN—C’mon—They don't know how to cope?? Ohh Pullleeezzzeee. and yes THEY ARE MONSTERS!!

So lets find out about LIFESKILLS---  ‘Hat tip’ to LetsGetHonest for this information.

Here's that skills center mentioned in the story:

New Start Family Life Skills  (a 501(c)3  and court affiliated, maybe.  Look OK.
The Batterers Intervention Program, originally called the Domestic Violence Program (DVP) was founded by Paul Hegstrom in Duluth, Minnesota. The program was renamed in 1985 to Life Skills International as it's scope was broadened to include Victim Services along with the help it provided to the offender.
TAX-EXEMPT WORLD -- it got inc. as nonprofit in 1996?  NO 990z on file???[EIN# 84-1227157/life-skills-international.aspx#

PO BOX 31227
AURORA, CO 80041-0227
Charitable Organization
( Counseling, Support Groups)

[Read the bio -- it's STILL all about him, almost nothing about his wife & 3 kids, and other relationships ...sss...obviously involved physical violence...]

(I've been paying attention to this Duluth Model.  I don't approve of it, either
serial philanderer -- TV movie made about his life (John Ritter played) -- now  he's a serial entrepreneur, except his groups get federal funding?
[How long were they divorced?  NB:  This was before 1994, VAWA,  and DV laws really in effect)

"In 1983, Paul and Judy were remarried.  They brought healing to their own family as they worked to set up Life Skills International (formerly DVP, Domestic Violence Project), a non-profit domestic violence organization based out of Aurora, Colorado.)."

[Colorado home to lots of religious nuts and mega-churches, plus organizations behind AFCC and much of our court stuff (CPR, PSI, Jessica Pearson et al.)

Over $20,000 was spent on counseling where he was given “labels,” however, it never got to the root of his problem. This only added to his anger and frustration.  His 16-year marriage ended because he could not get the help he needed.  The violence continued in subsequent relationships and finally, after being involved in a life-threatening situation that could have meant 15-20 years in prison, he asked for help.  It  was the hardest thing he ever had to do.

"As a result of asking for and receiving help from a pilot program (I'd like to know what that was...)

Would you like someone with this emphasis (and a former abuser, whose on bio barely mentions any detail about his wife, or former relationships....) to be RUNNING the DV field for the rest of us – APPARENTLY KANSAS DOES--NB:  no crimimal / legal backgrounds..Suppose we're atheists?
(UNrelated Biblio -- some good ones, incl. Lundy, in here)

· Ph.D. in Pastoral Marriage and Family Therapy, Evangelical Theological Seminary
· M.S. in Pastoral Counseling, Evangelical Theological Seminary
· B.S. in Pastoral Counseling, Evangelical Theological Seminary
· Honorary Doctorate, Doctor of Humane Letters, Evangelical Theological Seminary
· Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and Domestic Violence Counselor
Endorsement, National Board of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists
· Level IV Domestic Violence Certification, National Association of Forensic
· Member of AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors)
· Member of CAPS (Christian Association of Psychological Studies)
· 18,000 hours of research in Domestic Violence and related issues
· 36,000 hours facilitating clinics for victims and perpetrators of abuse
· An internationally recognized authority in attitude and behavioral changes

New Start Family Life Skills claims a recidivism rate of less than 3% locally. This betters the average of less than 6% recidivism that is claimed by all affiliates of Life Skills International on a national level.

They got two $10Mil/2 yr grants in  2007 & in 2009 from Kansas Juvenile Justice
They also have two church sponsors... I just looked at one of them.
Their description of DV is actually pretty good.  It just neglect to mention that it's a crime (misdemeanor or felony).  It underplays that sometimes people are killed in the process.s
It is POSSIBLE that the spike in DV is related to groups like these...

Life Skills International Inc
651 Chambers Road Suite 200
Aurora, Colorado 80011
United States

Life Skills and its affiliates offer a weekly program to men and women in a group atmosphere. For information on an affiliate center near you, please call...

Here -- READ this attachment (10pp) a transcript from this guy Hegstrom--
He talks about being raped when he was around 8, & could nto tell his Mom.
He talks about marrying at 19 & his wife 16, and how he controlled her (very abusive)

About how psychiatry didn't help AT ALL
There's a bunch of Jesus & Bible in there, but he' s's also talking about cognitive trauma stuff we will recognize.
he talks about re-wiring the brain and some DV group ave (his group) a major grant to do cognitive brain scans of DV men, before and after their program (p.9)

MY concern is his relationship with forced Batterer Intervention Programs, plus the financial data.
Minnesota had one of the first arrest-mandate programs (for DV) around.  He knew he was going to be raped in prison, and had been as a child, and was going to die, first.