Friday, February 26, 2010

Bibliography on PAS by Joan S. Meier, Esq.


Bibliography on PAS

by Joan S. Meier, Esq.

last updated October 2009


Adams, M.A., “Framing Contests in Child Custody Disputes:  Parental Alienation Syndrome, Child Abuse, Gender, and Fathers’ Rights,” Family Law Quarterly, 40:2 (Summer 2006), 315-338

American Psychological Association Presidential Task Force on Violence in the Family, Report on Violence and the Family at 12 (1996)

Bancroft, L. & Miller, M. “The Batterer as Incest Perpetrator,” in Bancroft & Silverman, the batterer as parent: addressing the impact of domestic violence on family dynamics 84-85 (2002)

Bruch, C.S., “Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation:  Getting It Wrong in Child Custody Cases,” Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 35, No. 3, Fall 2001

Dalton, C., Drozd, L., & Wong, F. (2006).  “Navigating Custody & Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence:  A Judge’s Guide” (Rev. ed.). Reno, NV:  National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges.

Faller, K.C., “The Parental Alienation Syndrome:  What Is It and What Data Support It?”  Child Maltreatment, Vol. 3, No. 2, May 1998, 100-115

Gardner, R.A., the parental alienation syndrome: a guide for mental health and legal professionals (1992)

Hoult, J. “The Evidentiary Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome:  Science, Law, and Policy,” 26 Children’s Legal Rights Journal 1, Spring 2006

Jaffe, Zerwer and Poisson, “Access Denied:  The Barriers of Violence and Poverty for Abused Women and their Children After Separation” Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System, or

Johnston, J.R., “Children of Divorce Who Reject a Parent and Refuse Visitation:  Recent Research and Social Policy Implications for the Alienated Child,” Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 38, No. 4 (Winter 2005)

Johnston, J.R, “High-conflict divorce,” Future of Children, 4, 165-182 (1994)

Johnston et al, “Allegations and Substantiations of Abuse in Custody-Disputing Families,” Family Court Review, Vol. 43, No. 2, 283-294 (April 2005)

PAS Bibliography, cont’d

Meier, J., Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation:  Research Reviews, published by VAWnet, a project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence/Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence (January, 2009),

Meier, J., “Domestic Violence, Child Custody, and Child Protection:  Understanding Judicial Resistance and Imagining the Solutions,” A.U. J. Gender, Soc. Pol. & Law, 11:2 (2003)

Meier, J., “A Historical Perspective on Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation,” Journal of Child Custody, Symposium on Domestic Violence and Custody, Journal of Child Custody, 6:232-257 (2009).

Meier, J., “Getting Real About Abuse and Alienation:  A Response to Drozd and Olesen,” Journal of Child Custody, Symposium on Domestic Violence and Custody, forthcoming 2009

Neustein, A. & Lesher, M. From Madness to Mutiny:  Why Mothers are Running from the Family Courts and What Can Be Done About it (Northeastern University Press: 2005)

Neustein, A and Lesher, M.  “Evaluating PAS: A Critique of Elizabeth Ellis’s ‘A Stepwise Approach to Evaluating Children for PAS.’”  Journal of Child Custody, 6:322-325 (2009).

Petition of Claudine Dombrowski et al, before to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, available at

Ragland, E.R., & Field, H. (2003), “Parental Alienation Syndrome:  What Professionals Need to Know,” Update Newsletter, 16(6).  Alexandria, VA:  National District Attorneys’ Association’s American Prosecutors’ Research Institute (APRI)

Smith, R. and Coukos, P., “Fairness and Accuracy in Evaluations of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse in Custody Determinations,” The Judges’ Journal, Fall 1997

Thoennes, N. & Tjaden, P., “The extent, nature, and validity of sexual abuse allegations in custody/visitation disputes,” 14 Child Abuse and Neglect, 151-163 (1990)

Thoennes, N., Pearson, J., & Tjaden, P., “Allegations of sexual abuse in custody and visitation disputes,” Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Denver, CO (1988)

Trocme, N. and Bala, N., “False allegations of abuse and neglect when parents separate,”  29 Child Abuse & Neglect (Issue 12), pp. 1333-1345 (2005)

Wood, C., Note, “The Parental Alienation Syndrome:  A Dangerous Aura of Reliability,” 27 Loy.L.A.L.Rev. 1367 (1994)

PAS Bibliography, cont’d



Snyder v. Cedar, 2006 Conn. Super. LEXIS 520 (2009)

People v. Fortin, 706 N.Y.S.2d 611 (N.Y. Crim. Ct. 2000)

NK v MK, 2007 WL 3244980 (N.Y. Sup. 2007)


Only four trial courts have ruled favorably on the admissibility of PAS (as distinct from the hundreds of trial courts which have admitted it without examining its admissibility).  While at least two of these decisions were ultimately upheld on appeal, neither appellate decision addressed the PAS issue:

In re Marriage of Bates, 794 N.E.2d 868 (Ill. App. Ct. 2003) (noting that the trial court  allowed PAS testimony under a Frye test).

Boyd v. Kilgore, 773 So. 2d 546 (Fla. 3d DCA 2000)(rejecting request for appellate  review), 783 So.2d 257 (Fla.  2d DCA 2001)(same), 783 So.2d 257 (2d DCA  2001)(same).

Arkansas and Louisiana appellate courts have seemingly recognized PAS while sidestepping the scientific validity and admissibility questions:

Palazzolo v. Mire, 2009 WL 103957 (La. App. 4 Dcir. 2009) 

Ignatiuk v. Ignatiuk, 2006 WL 933490 (Ark. App. 2006)

Linder v. Johnson, 2006 WL 3425021 (Ark. App. 2006)

Faucher v. Bitzer, 2002 WL 432750 (Ark. App. 2002)

Discussing (unfavorably) in dicta:

In the Interest of TMW, 553 So.2d, 260, 262 (Fla. 1989)

People v. Loomis, 172 Misc.2d 265 (N.Y.Co.Ct. 1997)

Hanson v. Spolnik, 685 N.E.2d 71, 84 (Ind.App. 1997)

In the Matter of JF v. LF, 694 NYS2d 592, 1999 N.Y. Slip Op. 99408

C.J.L., v. M.W.B., 2003 Ala. Civ. App. LEXIS 100 (Ala. Civ. App., Feb. 2003)

In the Matter of JF v. LF, 694 N.Y.S.2d 592 (1999)

Widerholt v. Fisher, 485 N.W.2d 442 (Wisc. 1992)

Rejecting Related Diagnostic Instruments

Page v. Zordan, 564 So.2d 500 (Fla.Dist.Ct.App. 1990)(rejecting Sex Abuse Legitimacy  Scale (SALS))

Tungate v. Kentucky, 901 S.W.2d 41 (Ky. 1995)(rejecting Gardner’s “indicators” for  pedophilia)

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